
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Week 1 Training Complete

My first week or training for my second half marathon is complete.  

I ran 2 miles (3:1 run:fast walk) outside on Monday at lunch. Working from home on Mondays makes this possible. It was 40 degrees, but the wind was blowing and that lowers that temp some.  Half way through my run, I was wishing I wore my face gear. My body was warm enough, but my face was so cold.  Next time I'll remember.  

Wednesday, I ran 3 miles on the treadmill after work.  I did some farlik training (swedish name for speed play).  Normal pace was 5.6...some at 6 and up to 7 with a bunch of 4.5 to catch my breath after the 7 and 6 runs.  

Thursday was scheduled for 2 miles, but I was void of the energy, so I ran it on Friday and did the same farlik type run. Treadmill running is so boring that I find I need something to keep it interesting.  Also, those 2 miles were not easy and I wanted to get it done.  We are supposed to re-arrange the den so I can watch my new TV.  That will make it easier. 

Today was the first group long run.  I ran 4 miles and ran the whole way. It's so much easier running outside than on a treadmill.  Not as boring. Next time I'm bringing my music, though. I thought I'd be talking with fellow runners, but I was alone most of the time. My pace was between the faster runners and the slower runners.  That make sense since all my race result put me in the middle of the ranking. It was 40 degrees, but no wind and I dressed too warm.  Next time, if it's 40 without wind, I'll wear short sleeves with my new sleeves.
This way if I get too hot, I can pull them off.
Next week is the same schedule, except the long run is 5 miles.  
So...till next report...

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