
Saturday, March 27, 2010

I was thinking of my mom a lot today and decided to make bread like she did.  All the while trying to channel my mom and her expertise.  I've not baked bread since 2004 and I've only made it by hand a couple of times.  The first time I did was 2004.  My husband and I were in a long distance relationship and he was coming out to visit.  He missed his flight, so the picnic was pushed out.  We had a very romantic picnic on the beach at night with candles. We had wine, cheese, fig spread...other tasty treats and my home made bread. Pretty cool first date. 

That time was the first time that I made bread after my mom passed away the year before.  She used to make it a lot.  Recently, my older son was visiting, and he was looking through a notebook of my moms and he found her bread recipe along with many other recipes and prayers....and a hand written Will.  That was my mom...she wanted to cover all the bases.  In this book was also her life insurance account number with the number to call.  About a week after she died, I dreamt of her and in the dream, she wanted me to give her this red notebook.  That morning, I found the life insurance information.  It's much more just that, though. This red notebook is a piece of my mother.  All of her favorite recipes.  All of her favorite prayers for her children and herself.  

So, I baked bread today.
Here's the first rising....

and the second...

shape, then let rise again...

Off to the oven after a light egg washing....

and....yummy....almost time to eat!

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