That time was the first time that I made bread after my mom passed away the year before. She used to make it a lot. Recently, my older son was visiting, and he was looking through a notebook of my moms and he found her bread recipe along with many other recipes and prayers....and a hand written Will. That was my mom...she wanted to cover all the bases. In this book was also her life insurance account number with the number to call. About a week after she died, I dreamt of her and in the dream, she wanted me to give her this red notebook. That morning, I found the life insurance information. It's much more just that, though. This red notebook is a piece of my mother. All of her favorite recipes. All of her favorite prayers for her children and herself.
So, I baked bread today.
Here's the first rising....
and the second...
Off to the oven after a light egg washing....

and....yummy....almost time to eat!