
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Whole 30....the After thoughts.

I ended my Whole 30 in a bad way.  Well, not that bad, what I mean is I just stopped.  That 31 day was on a Chorus Retreat weekend and we were eating out and having a lot of fun.  There was bread, dairy and wine in my menu choices.  I was fighting a cold that started while Whole 30ing it.  Actually, it started on day 30.  That was almost 3 weeks ago and I'm still fighting that cold.  So, I'm thinking, was my resistance down because of Whole 30 or did going off it so fast cause it to linger.  

Anyway...results of my Whole 30 is sort of skewed.  My intention was to come out of it slowly and at first, I did.  My first meal was fish. I ate only the fish and the vegies, leaving the rice behind.  Saturday morning, though, I had grits with my eggs...grain.  No stomach issues.  From that point on, though, I went back to normal eating, which was only sort of tentative.  I went back to normal eating full time by the weekend's end.  But, normal to me isn't that far off from Whole 30.  Also, I'm still using coconut milk rather than my Lactaid Milk.  I really like it!  I am having a slice of cheese on my sandwich at lunch....with bread too! I seem to be okay so far.  I've had two headaches, but was not able to figure out if there was a food culprit or not.

I also lost about 5 pound on the Whole 30.  That was not my intent, as I was eating like crazy.

Will I do it again?  Yes, I would.  Would I make sure I didn't have any trips planned during or just after the 30 days?  Yes, I would.

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